Sunday, February 20, 2011

Generation One Pretender Monsters

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  1. Thats funny b/c I didn't know about these guys either when I got back into TFs (thanks to G2). At the time none of the Pretenders went for much so I started buying what I could find. I picked up several of the Monster Pretenders will full card backs for no more than $5-10 each.

    I do agree about not wanting to mess with him much anymore. I guess the GPS issue is another reason you need to track down Dinoking now.

  2. Yeah, but don't you have the a similar problem with Dinoking? I thought I remembered something about the shells being all oily so you don't want to touch them anymore. I guess you can still play with the robots though.

  3. No GPS issues w/ the Dinoking members, but yes - the shells did seem a little oily last time I handled them. Then again I remember a few of the Monster Pretender shells being a little on the oily side too.
