Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mostly Transformers is moving! (Stupid Hackers)

Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of updates lately. Last week my Google account (which includes blogger) was compromised and I lost access to not only my blog but all of my google products including gmail. After going back and forth with Google I had to accept the fact that I would not be able to regain access because they were not convinced I was who I said I was. So I set up a new email and set out to re-create the blog from scratch. Then this morning I was able to obtain a key piece of information that I did not have before and it led to me being able to restore access to my account. However since I have already changed everything to my new account I will be proceeding with that one now. The new blog address is:

Be sure to update your bookmarks and thanks for continuing to visit in my absence. I have a lot of catching up to do!