Friday, March 11, 2011

GPS: the silent killer. Why you should hate this as much as I do.

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  1. Goryu (Dinoforce version of Slog) also has a gold chest. Because of that I'm very hesitant of doing a full indepth review on my blog.

    Also don't forget about these TF toys that also suffer from GPS:

    - G1 Pretender Skyhammer. The lower half of the vehicular shell are cast in gold plastic (hinges included) along w/ the robot shell's feet.

    - G1 Pretender Roadblock. Small inner robot is just about all gold plastic.

    - G1 Black Zarak. Another toy I have that I'm afraid to touch or every do a good review of.

    - Beast Wars Transmetal Megatron.

    - Beast Wars Grimlock. Beware of the legs.

    - Beast Wars Neo Randy (Razorbeast redeco). Whole toy is basically fragile.

  2. Yeah I should have put up some pictures of my original G1 Skyhammer before I replaced him. I may add some later. As for Goryu is it the swirly gold plastic? I didn't think Takara used it in the Dinoforce at all. At least I haven't heard of any other instances of problems with him.

  3. It's the swirly gold plastic, but it's just the chest piece. There aren't any gold pegs or anything, but it still makes me a little paranoid. That and the fact that trying to replace him if he ever broke would be darn hard and expensive!

  4. Seeing cherished toys broken like that is sad. :/

    BTW, you should update your link to TFWiki's new site at The old wikia site isn't updated much any more.
