Thursday, March 17, 2011

An Insight into something Interesting

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  1. So I'm curious... Having read about it, is there anything you are going to be doing differently now?

  2. That is an interesting question. My knee-jerk response would be yes, but then again I wouldn't know exactly what to change. I am not one of those types of people that watch the market on a daily basis, I am more of a buy and hold kind of guy. When the market did crash I lost about 30% of the value of my investments, but I at least had the good sense not to react to the madness and sell everything off. Fortunately everything has completely recovered for me. My investment strategy has always been long term, slow growth and safe; and while that may not be the most exciting strategy it has worked out well for me. I would say the only thing I would change after reading this book is to maybe watch the market closer for undervalued stocks. I don't pretend to know a whole lot about the market and there is no way I am smart enough to have seen the whole subprime collapse before it happened so I figure that there isn't too much I should do differently.
